Our Great Story & Song Book of Poland
The Most Powerful Work of Art in all
1000 Years of Polish History - see it here
See the wagons dressed in colour, horses speeding
See the wagons dressed in colour, come the evening
Maybe falling leaves will tell us fortunes soon
Gypsy wind, speak to us by the silver moon.
Before thick mists hide your footprints and take flight,
Tell me, Gypsies, dearest Gypsies, what your lives are like:
We have lots, we have nought, it's all right,
We have reds and greens all glowing in the night
We have purple, we have blue
Changing fortunes, that is true,
But among us it is always rainbow bright!
See the wagons dressed in colour, horses speeding
How I wish to ride beside them, come the evening
In the corner of one wagon I will sit and sing
I will follow stories flowing from old violins.
With a warm wind I will line your canvas homes,
Now please tell me what you have to stop me feeling low.
We have lots, we have nought, it's all right,
We have reds and greens all glowing in the night
We have purple, we have blue
Changing fortunes, that is true,
But among us it is always rainbow bright!
So we travelled to the world's edge in our wagons
The winds blowing, never knowing what would happen
I collected spades and diamonds, clubs and hearts,
And discovered where all music got its very start.
Now I visit cloudy countries with my gypsy band
Bringing colours to grey people all across the land,
Take a lot, or take nought, it's all fine
Who wants red, who wants green, don't be shy,
Who wants silver, who needs gold, who can follow our song
Come and join our merry band as we fly!
Lyrics by Jerzy Ficowski
Translated by Marek Kazmierski